Selasa, 10 Desember 2019

Sun Glo halogen UVA+UVB 3.0 (25 Watt) - Lampu reptil - Reptil Lamp - Berkualitas

Sun Glo halogen UVA+UVB 3.0
(25 Watt)

1. Provides 97% UVA stimulates appetite, 3% UVB.
2. Helps prevent metabolic bone disease (mbd) and stimulates reproduction.
3. Promotes pet appetite and helps digestion maintain balanced growth.

Can be used for:
Used for wide variety of reptiles and amphibians, including bearded dragons, snakes, turtles, tortoises, iguanas, lizards, chameleons, etc.

Senin, 09 Desember 2019

Rarovera Reptile Bath - Shampo Reptil - Sampo khusus Reptil - Sampo Reptil

Rovera Reptile Bath, Rich formula of Aloe Vera and other emollients facilitates shedding and promotes the development of Healthy Skin in Reptile. | Formula yang kaya akan Aloe Vera dan emolien lainnya yang memfasilitasi pelepasan kulit dan mempromosikan pengembangan Kulit yangg Sehat pada Reptil.